Mar 4, 2009

Rating System

The rating system here at DePixelator is simple, but different from most other places you seen.
We grade out of 5, however 0 represents a value equivalent to anything below 5/10 on a standard scale. We just find that there is no reason to really decipher numerically just how bad something is. This means however that even items with low scores maybe worth looking. A movie that is 2/5 is something that i will watch, it's a game I will play (maybe not buy).

0/5 Skip, avoid, stay away. It may hurt you, melt eyes and/or brain.
1/5 Flawed and broken. Still there is a premise or idea there.
2/5 A fun but average experience.
3/5 A great experience that you will want to repeat and will think about again.
4/5 Masterpiece. Worth obsessing about.
5/5 Legendary

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